Contact: Paolo Lenzi mobile: +39 347 6473813 e-mail:
Contact: Paolo Lenzi mobile: +39 347 6473813 e-mail:
Thank you very much for contacting me at
Romanpaths – experiencing the culture of Rome web site.
Please, feel free to e-mail me at:
and let me know:
• your name
• your cell phone number
• arrival and departure dates
• hotel name and address
• address of your apartment
• desired itineraries
• preferred dates and times
• number of people in your party (children and/or teenager)
you can call me at:
0039 347 6473813
I usually give a prompt reply to your e-mail within 24 hours.
If you do not hear from me within 48 hours I may not have received your e-mail so please, send it again and I will get back to you.